Build it Montagu

Your one stop building material and DIY supplier for Montagu, Ashton and surrounding communities….YES WE CAN!!!

Build it Montagu’s mission is to offer the best in building material and DIY supply at the lowest prices, widest range to choose from, delivered to your site or home, with the back up of customer service to go with it. And, if we don’t have it, we’ll get it for you…just come in and ask our fantastic sales team.

Look out for monthly specials and the latest Build it news on our new Facebook page. Our friendly and helpful team are here to make your renovation, home upgrade or new project run as smoothly as possible with all your materials and requirements available on your doorstep. Come on in and ask us!

Operating Hours:

April – September

Monday to Friday    08:00 – 17:00

October – March

Monday to Friday    07:30 – 17:00

Saturdays    08:00 – 12:30

Public Holidays    08:00 – 12:00

We are closed on Sundays and Religious holidays

Contact NameVangie Van Der Merwe
Contact Number 023 614 1380