Party Time Event Hire

Party Time is an events company that can assist with all your needs at a party, wedding, festival etc. We offer tables, chairs, cutlery, crockery, tents, gas heaters, umbrellas

Party Time was established in 2009, previously known as Bonnievale Verhurings. We have grown over the years with our loyal customers that returns due to good service and value for money prices.

Party Time was established in Bonnievale, Western Cape, South Africa due to the demand in event hiring. This use to be a problem in the past because all the event equipment needed to be rented from Cape Town. The travel expense use to make it expensive to have events in the Overberg/Winelands district. We are here for our customers to try and make it as affordable as possible with the best possible service.

We stock a variety of tables, chairs, cutlery, crockery, normal tents, stretch tents, umbrellas, etc. Transport available on request.

We are always open for suggestions and questions. If we do not have the equipment that you need, we will be able to assist you by referring you to one of our business partners.

Route Description

Gelukshoop, Bonnievale


Contact: Tertius Carstens
Office /Orders082 901 4044 (Anna-marie)